Auto-expanding aliases in Zsh
Vincent Bernat
To avoid needless typing, the fish shell features command abbreviations to expand some words after pressing space. We can emulate such a feature with Zsh:
# Definition of abbrev-alias for auto-expanding aliases typeset -ga _vbe_abbrevations abbrev-alias() { alias $1 _vbe_abbrevations+=(${1%%\=*}) } _vbe_zle-autoexpand() { local -a words; words=(${(z)LBUFFER}) if (( ${#_vbe_abbrevations[(r)${words[-1]}]} )); then zle _expand_alias fi zle magic-space } zle -N _vbe_zle-autoexpand bindkey -M emacs " " _vbe_zle-autoexpand bindkey -M isearch " " magic-space # Correct common typos (( $+commands[git] )) && abbrev-alias gti=git (( $+commands[grep] )) && abbrev-alias grpe=grep (( $+commands[sudo] )) && abbrev-alias suod=sudo (( $+commands[ssh] )) && abbrev-alias shs=ssh # Save a few keystrokes (( $+commands[git] )) && abbrev-alias gls="git ls-files" (( $+commands[ip] )) && { abbrev-alias ip6='ip -6' abbrev-alias ipb='ip -brief' } # Hard to remember options (( $+commands[mtr] )) && abbrev-alias mtrr='mtr -wzbe'
Here is a demo where gls
is expanded to git ls-files
after pressing space:
to git ls-files
I don’t auto-expand all aliases. I keep using regular aliases when slightly modifying the behavior of a command or for well-known abbreviations:
alias df='df -h' alias du='du -h' alias rm='rm -i' alias mv='mv -i' alias ll='ls -ltrhA'