MTU Ninja

Vincent Bernat

I am Vincent Bernat. I currently work for Freeย ๐Ÿš€, a French ISP and telecom provider. In the past, I worked for Shadowย ๐ŸŽฎ, Exoscaleย โ˜๏ธ, Deezerย ๐ŸŽง, Dailymotionย ๐Ÿ“บ, and Orangeย ๐Ÿ“ฑ. I like catsย ๐Ÿˆ.

The main content of this site is my blog. The latest articles are โ€œWhy content providers need IPv6,โ€ โ€œNon-interactive SSH password authentication,โ€ and โ€œDDoS detection and remediation with Akvorado and Flowspec.โ€ The most popular article is โ€œCoping with the TCP TIME-WAIT state on busy Linux servers.โ€

This site does not use cookies. IP addresses are scrambled before being logged. Therefore, no personal data is collected. See โ€œA more privacy-friendly blogโ€ for details.

Swimming ducks