Offline PKI using 3 YubiKeys and an ARM single board computer
Vincent Bernat
An offline PKI enhances security by physically isolating the certificate authority from network threats. A YubiKey is a low-cost solution to store a root certificate. You also need an air-gapped environment to operate the root CA.

This post describes an offline PKI system using the following components:
- 2 YubiKeys for the root CA (with a 20-year validity),
- 1 YubiKey for the intermediate CA (with a 5-year validity), and
- 1 Libre Computer Sweet Potato as an air-gapped SBC.
It is possible to add more YubiKeys as a backup of the root CA if needed. This is not needed for the intermediate CA as you can generate a new one if the current one gets destroyed.
The software part#
is a small Python application to manage an offline PKI.
It relies on yubikey-manager to manage YubiKeys and cryptography for
cryptographic operations not executed on the YubiKeys. The application has some
opinionated design choices. Notably, the cryptography is hard-coded to use NIST
P-384 elliptic curve.
The first step is to reset all your YubiKeys:
$ offline-pki yubikey reset This will reset the connected YubiKey. Are you sure? [y/N]: y New PIN code: Repeat for confirmation: New PUK code: Repeat for confirmation: New management key ('.' to generate a random one): WARNING[pki-yubikey] Using random management key: e8ffdce07a4e3bd5c0d803aa3948a9c36cfb86ed5a2d5cf533e97b088ae9e629 INFO[pki-yubikey] 0: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 00 00 INFO[pki-yubikey] SN: 23854514 INFO[] Device config written INFO[yubikit.piv] PIV application data reset performed INFO[yubikit.piv] Management key set INFO[yubikit.piv] New PUK set INFO[yubikit.piv] New PIN set INFO[pki-yubikey] YubiKey reset successful!
Then, generate the root CA and create as many copies as you want:
$ offline-pki certificate root Management key for Root X: Plug YubiKey "Root X"... INFO[pki-yubikey] 0: Yubico YubiKey CCID 00 00 INFO[pki-yubikey] SN: 23854514 INFO[yubikit.piv] Data written to object slot 0x5fc10a INFO[yubikit.piv] Certificate written to slot 9C (SIGNATURE), compression=True INFO[yubikit.piv] Private key imported in slot 9C (SIGNATURE) of type ECCP384 Copy root certificate to another YubiKey? [y/N]: y Plug YubiKey "Root X"... INFO[pki-yubikey] 0: Yubico YubiKey CCID 00 00 INFO[pki-yubikey] SN: 23854514 INFO[yubikit.piv] Data written to object slot 0x5fc10a INFO[yubikit.piv] Certificate written to slot 9C (SIGNATURE), compression=True INFO[yubikit.piv] Private key imported in slot 9C (SIGNATURE) of type ECCP384 Copy root certificate to another YubiKey? [y/N]: n
You can inspect the result:
$ offline-pki yubikey info INFO[pki-yubikey] 0: Yubico YubiKey CCID 00 00 INFO[pki-yubikey] SN: 23854514 INFO[pki-yubikey] Slot 9C (SIGNATURE): INFO[pki-yubikey] Private key type: ECCP384 INFO[pki-yubikey] Public key: INFO[pki-yubikey] Algorithm: secp384r1 INFO[pki-yubikey] Issuer: CN=Root CA INFO[pki-yubikey] Subject: CN=Root CA INFO[pki-yubikey] Serial: 1 INFO[pki-yubikey] Not before: 2024-07-05T18:17:19+00:00 INFO[pki-yubikey] Not after: 2044-06-30T18:17:19+00:00 INFO[pki-yubikey] PEM: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBcjCB+aADAgECAgEBMAoGCCqGSM49BAMDMBIxEDAOBgNVBAMMB1Jvb3QgQ0Ew HhcNMjQwNzA1MTgxNzE5WhcNNDQwNjMwMTgxNzE5WjASMRAwDgYDVQQDDAdSb290 IENBMHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAERg3Vir6cpEtB8Vgo5cAyBTkku/4w kXvhWlYZysz7+YzTcxIInZV6mpw61o8W+XbxZV6H6+3YHsr/IeigkK04/HJPi6+i zU5WJHeBJMqjj2No54Nsx6ep4OtNBMa/7T9foyMwITAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/ MA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjAKBggqhkjOPQQDAwNoADBlAjEAwYKy/L8leJyiZSnn xrY8xv8wkB9HL2TEAI6fC7gNc2bsISKFwMkyAwg+mKFKN2w7AjBRCtZKg4DZ2iUo 6c0BTXC9a3/28V5aydZj6rvx0JqbF/Ln5+RQL6wFMLoPIvCIiCU= -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Then, you can create an intermediate certificate with offline-pki yubikey
and use it to sign any CSR with offline-pki certificate sign
. Be
careful and inspect the CSR before signing it, as only the subject name can
be overridden. Check the documentation for more details. Get the available
options using the --help
The hardware part#
To ensure the operations on the root and intermediate CAs are air-gapped, a cost-efficient solution is to use an ARM64 single board computer. The Libre Computer Sweet Potato SBC is a more open alternative to the well-known Raspberry Pi.1

I interact with it through an USB to TTL UART converter:
$ tio /dev/ttyUSB0 [16:40:44.546] tio v3.7 [16:40:44.546] Press ctrl-t q to quit [16:40:44.555] Connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 GXL:BL1:9ac50e:bb16dc;FEAT:ADFC318C:0;POC:1;RCY:0;SPI:0;0.0;CHK:0; TE: 36574 BL2 Built : 15:21:18, Aug 28 2019. gxl g1bf2b53 - luan.yuan@droid15-sz set vcck to 1120 mv set vddee to 1000 mv Board ID = 4 CPU clk: 1200MHz […]
The Nix glue#
To bring everything together, I am using Nix with a Flake providing:
- a package for the
application, with shell completion, - a development shell, including an editable version of the
application, - a NixOS module to setup the offline PKI, resetting the system at each boot,
- a QEMU image for testing, and
- an SD card image to be used on the Sweet Potato or an ARM64 SBC.
# Execute the application locally nix run github:vincentbernat/offline-pki -- --help # Run the application inside a QEMU VM nix run github:vincentbernat/offline-pki\#qemu # Build a SD card for the Sweet Potato or for the Raspberry Pi nix build --system aarch64-linux github:vincentbernat/offline-pki\#sdcard.potato nix build --system aarch64-linux github:vincentbernat/offline-pki\#sdcard.generic # Get a development shell with the application nix develop github:vincentbernat/offline-pki
The key for the root CA is not generated by the YubiKey. Using an air-gapped computer is all the more important. Put it in a safe with the YubiKeys when done! ↩︎