DDoS detection and remediation with Akvorado and Flowspec

Vincent Bernat

Akvorado collects sFlow and IPFIX flows, stores them in a ClickHouse database, and presents them in a web console. Although it lacks built-in DDoS detection, it’s possible to create one by crafting custom ClickHouse queries.

DDoS detection#

Let’s assume we want to detect DDoS targeting our customers. As an example, we consider a DDoS attack as a collection of flows over one minute targeting a single customer IP address, from a single source port and matching one of these conditions:

  • an average bandwidth of 1 Gbps,
  • an average bandwidth of 200 Mbps when the protocol is UDP,
  • more than 20 source IP addresses and an average bandwidth of 100 Mbps, or
  • more than 10 source countries and an average bandwidth of 100 Mbps.

Here is the SQL query to detect such attacks over the last 5 minutes:

    toStartOfMinute(TimeReceived) AS TimeReceived,
    dictGetOrDefault('protocols', 'name', Proto, '???') AS Proto,
    SUM(((((Bytes * SamplingRate) * 8) / 1000) / 1000) / 1000) / 60 AS Gbps,
    uniq(SrcAddr) AS sources,
    uniq(SrcCountry) AS countries
  FROM flows
  WHERE TimeReceived > now() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE
    AND DstNetRole = 'customers'
WHERE (Gbps > 1)
   OR ((Proto = 'UDP') AND (Gbps > 0.2)) 
   OR ((sources > 20) AND (Gbps > 0.1)) 
   OR ((countries > 10) AND (Gbps > 0.1))
  TimeReceived DESC,
  Gbps DESC

Here is an example output1 where two of our users are under attack. One from what looks like an NTP amplification attack, the other from a DNS amplification attack:

TimeReceived DstAddr SrcPort Proto Gbps sources countries
2023-02-26 17:44:00 ::ffff: 123 UDP 0.102 109 13
2023-02-26 17:43:00 ::ffff: 123 UDP 0.130 133 17
2023-02-26 17:43:00 ::ffff: 53 UDP 0.129 364 63
2023-02-26 17:43:00 ::ffff: 123 UDP 0.113 129 21
2023-02-26 17:42:00 ::ffff: 123 UDP 0.139 50 14
2023-02-26 17:42:00 ::ffff: 123 UDP 0.105 42 14
2023-02-26 17:40:00 ::ffff: 53 UDP 0.121 340 65

DDoS remediation#

Once detected, there are at least two ways to stop the attack at the network level:

  • blackhole the traffic to the targeted user (RTBH), or
  • selectively drop packets matching the attack patterns (Flowspec).

Traffic blackhole#

The easiest method is to sacrifice the attacked user. While this helps the attacker, this protects your network. It is a method supported by all routers. You can also offload this protection to many transit providers. This is useful if the attack volume exceeds your internet capacity.

This works by advertising with BGP a route to the attacked user with a specific community. The border router modifies the next hop address of these routes to a specific IP address configured to forward the traffic to a null interface. RFC 7999 defines 65535:666 for this purpose. This is known as a “remote-triggered blackhole” (RTBH) and is explained in more detail in RFC 3882.

It is also possible to blackhole the source of the attacks by leveraging unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) from RFC 3704, as explained in RFC 5635. However, uRPF can be a serious tax on your router resources. See “NCS5500 uRPF: Configuration and Impact on Scale” for an example of the kind of restrictions you have to expect when enabling uRPF.

On the advertising side, we can use BIRD. Here is a complete configuration file to allow any router to collect them:

log stderr all;
router id;

protocol device {
  scan time 10;

protocol bgp exporter {
  ipv4 {
    import none;
    export where proto = "blackhole4";
  ipv6 {
    import none;
    export where proto = "blackhole6";
  local as 64666;
  neighbor range external;
  dynamic name "exporter";
  dynamic name digits 2;
  graceful restart yes;
  graceful restart time 0;
  long lived graceful restart yes;
  long lived stale time 3600;  # keep routes for 1 hour!

protocol static blackhole4 {
  route blackhole {
    bgp_community.add((65535, 666));
  route blackhole {
    bgp_community.add((65535, 666));
protocol static blackhole6 {

We use BGP long-lived graceful restart to ensure routes are kept for one hour, even if the BGP connection goes down, notably during maintenance.

On the receiver side, if you have a Cisco router running IOS XR, you can use the following configuration to blackhole traffic received on the BGP session. As the BGP session is dedicated to this usage, The community is not used, but you can also forward these routes to your transit providers.

router static
 vrf public
  address-family ipv4 unicast Null0 description "BGP blackhole"
  address-family ipv6 unicast
   2001:db8::1/128 Null0 description "BGP blackhole"
route-policy blackhole_ipv4_in_public
  if destination in ( le 31) then
  set next-hop
route-policy blackhole_ipv6_in_public
  if destination in (::/0 le 127) then
  set next-hop 2001:db8::1
router bgp 12322
 neighbor-group BLACKHOLE_IPV4_PUBLIC
  remote-as 64666
  ebgp-multihop 255
  update-source Loopback10
  address-family ipv4 unicast
   maximum-prefix 100 90
   route-policy blackhole_ipv4_in_public in
   route-policy drop out
   long-lived-graceful-restart stale-time send 86400 accept 86400
  address-family ipv6 unicast
   maximum-prefix 100 90
   route-policy blackhole_ipv6_in_public in
   route-policy drop out
   long-lived-graceful-restart stale-time send 86400 accept 86400
 vrf public
   use neighbor-group BLACKHOLE_IPV4_PUBLIC
   description akvorado-1

When the traffic is blackholed, it is still reported by IPFIX and sFlow. In Akvorado, use ForwardingStatus >= 128 as a filter.

While this method is compatible with all routers, it makes the attack successful as the target is completely unreachable. If your router supports it, Flowspec can selectively filter flows to stop the attack without impacting the customer.


Flowspec is defined in RFC 8955 and enables the transmission of flow specifications in BGP sessions. A flow specification is a set of matching criteria to apply to IP traffic. These criteria include the source and destination prefix, the IP protocol, the source and destination port, and the packet length. Each flow specification is associated with an action, encoded as an extended community: traffic shaping, traffic marking, or redirection.

To announce flow specifications with BIRD, we extend our configuration. The extended community used shapes the matching traffic to 0 byte per second.

flow4 table flowtab4;
flow6 table flowtab6;

protocol bgp exporter {
  flow4 {
    import none;
    export where proto = "flowspec4";
  flow6 {
    import none;
    export where proto = "flowspec6";
  # […]

protocol static flowspec4 {
  route flow4 {
    sport = 53;
    length >= 1476 && <= 1500;
    proto = 17;
    bgp_ext_community.add((generic, 0x80060000, 0x00000000));
  route flow4 {
    sport = 123;
    length = 468;
    proto = 17;
    bgp_ext_community.add((generic, 0x80060000, 0x00000000));
protocol static flowspec6 {

If you have a Cisco router running IOS XR, the configuration may look like this:

vrf public
 address-family ipv4 flowspec
 address-family ipv6 flowspec
router bgp 12322
 address-family vpnv4 flowspec
 address-family vpnv6 flowspec
 neighbor-group FLOWSPEC_IPV4_PUBLIC
  remote-as 64666
  ebgp-multihop 255
  update-source Loopback10
  address-family ipv4 flowspec
   long-lived-graceful-restart stale-time send 86400 accept 86400
   route-policy accept in
   route-policy drop out
   maximum-prefix 100 90
   validation disable
  address-family ipv6 flowspec
   long-lived-graceful-restart stale-time send 86400 accept 86400
   route-policy accept in
   route-policy drop out
   maximum-prefix 100 90
   validation disable
 vrf public
  address-family ipv4 flowspec
  address-family ipv6 flowspec
   use neighbor-group FLOWSPEC_IPV4_PUBLIC
   description akvorado-1

Then, you need to enable Flowspec on all interfaces with:

 vrf public
  address-family ipv4
   local-install interface-all
  address-family ipv6
   local-install interface-all

As with the RTBH setup, you can filter dropped flows with ForwardingStatus >= 128.

DDoS detection (continued)#

In the example using Flowspec, the flows were also filtered on the length of the packet:

route flow4 {
  sport = 53;
  length >= 1476 && <= 1500;
  proto = 17;
  bgp_ext_community.add((generic, 0x80060000, 0x00000000));

This is an important addition: legitimate DNS requests are smaller than this and therefore not filtered.2 With ClickHouse, you can get the 10th and 90th percentiles of the packet sizes with quantiles(0.1, 0.9)(Bytes/Packets).

The last issue we need to tackle is how to optimize the request: it may need several seconds to collect the data and it is likely to consume substantial resources from your ClickHouse database. One solution is to create a materialized view to pre-aggregate results:

CREATE TABLE ddos_logs (
  TimeReceived DateTime,
  DstAddr IPv6,
  Proto UInt32,
  SrcPort UInt16,
  Gbps SimpleAggregateFunction(sum, Float64),
  Mpps SimpleAggregateFunction(sum, Float64),
  sources AggregateFunction(uniqCombined(12), IPv6),
  countries AggregateFunction(uniqCombined(12), FixedString(2)),
  size AggregateFunction(quantiles(0.1, 0.9), UInt64)
) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree
PARTITION BY toStartOfHour(TimeReceived)
ORDER BY (TimeReceived, DstAddr, Proto, SrcPort)
TTL toStartOfHour(TimeReceived) + INTERVAL 6 HOUR DELETE ;

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ddos_logs_view TO ddos_logs AS
    toStartOfMinute(TimeReceived) AS TimeReceived,
    sum(((((Bytes * SamplingRate) * 8) / 1000) / 1000) / 1000) / 60 AS Gbps,
    sum(((Packets * SamplingRate) / 1000) / 1000) / 60 AS Mpps,
    uniqCombinedState(12)(SrcAddr) AS sources,
    uniqCombinedState(12)(SrcCountry) AS countries,
    quantilesState(0.1, 0.9)(toUInt64(Bytes/Packets)) AS size
  FROM flows
  WHERE DstNetRole = 'customers'

The ddos_logs table is using the SummingMergeTree engine. When the table receives new data, ClickHouse replaces all the rows with the same sorting key, as defined by the ORDER BY directive, with one row which contains summarized values using either the sum() function or the explicitly specified aggregate function (uniqCombined and quantiles in our example).3

Finally, we can modify our initial query with the following one:

    dictGetOrDefault('protocols', 'name', Proto, '???') AS Proto,
    sum(Gbps) AS Gbps,
    sum(Mpps) AS Mpps,
    uniqCombinedMerge(12)(sources) AS sources,
    uniqCombinedMerge(12)(countries) AS countries,
    quantilesMerge(0.1, 0.9)(size) AS size
  FROM ddos_logs
  WHERE TimeReceived > now() - INTERVAL 60 MINUTE
WHERE (Gbps > 1)
   OR ((Proto = 'UDP') AND (Gbps > 0.2)) 
   OR ((sources > 20) AND (Gbps > 0.1)) 
   OR ((countries > 10) AND (Gbps > 0.1))
  TimeReceived DESC,
  Gbps DESC

Gluing everything together#

To sum up, building an anti-DDoS system requires to following these steps:

  1. define a set of criteria to detect a DDoS attack,
  2. translate these criteria into SQL requests,
  3. pre-aggregate flows into SummingMergeTree tables,
  4. query and transform the results to a BIRD configuration file, and
  5. configure your routers to pull the routes from BIRD.

A Python script like the following one can handle the fourth step. For each attacked target, it generates both a Flowspec rule and a blackhole route.

import socket
import types
from clickhouse_driver import Client as CHClient

# Put your SQL query here!

# How many anti-DDoS rules we want at the same time?

def empty_ruleset():
    ruleset = types.SimpleNamespace()
    ruleset.flowspec = types.SimpleNamespace()
    ruleset.blackhole = types.SimpleNamespace()
    ruleset.flowspec.v4 = []
    ruleset.flowspec.v6 = []
    ruleset.blackhole.v4 = []
    ruleset.blackhole.v6 = []
    return ruleset

current_ruleset = empty_ruleset()

client = CHClient(host="clickhouse.akvorado.net")
while True:
    results = client.execute(SQL_QUERY)
    seen = {}
    new_ruleset = empty_ruleset()
    for (t, addr, proto, port, gbps, mpps, sources, countries, size) in results:
        if (addr, proto, port) in seen:
        seen[(addr, proto, port)] = True

        # Flowspec
        if addr.ipv4_mapped:
            address = addr.ipv4_mapped
            rules = new_ruleset.flowspec.v4
            table = "flow4"
            mask = 32
            nh = "proto"
            address = addr
            rules = new_ruleset.flowspec.v6
            table = "flow6"
            mask = 128
            nh = "next header"
        if size[0] == size[1]:
            length = f"length = {int(size[0])}"
            length = f"length >= {int(size[0])} && <= {int(size[1])}"
        header = f"""
# Time: {t}
# Source: {address}, protocol: {proto}, port: {port}
# Gbps/Mpps: {gbps:.3}/{mpps:.3}, packet size: {int(size[0])}<=X<={int(size[1])}
# Flows: {flows}, sources: {sources}, countries: {countries}
route {table} {{
  dst {address}/{mask};
  sport = {port};
  {nh} = {socket.getprotobyname(proto)};
  bgp_ext_community.add((generic, 0x80060000, 0x00000000));

        # Blackhole
        if addr.ipv4_mapped:
            rules = new_ruleset.blackhole.v4
            rules = new_ruleset.blackhole.v6
route {address}/{mask} blackhole {{
  bgp_community.add((65535, 666));

        new_ruleset.flowspec.v4 = list(
        new_ruleset.flowspec.v6 = list(

        # TODO: advertise changes by mail, chat, ...

        current_ruleset = new_ruleset
        changes = False
        for rules, path in (
            (current_ruleset.flowspec.v4, "v4-flowspec"),
            (current_ruleset.flowspec.v6, "v6-flowspec"),
            (current_ruleset.blackhole.v4, "v4-blackhole"),
            (current_ruleset.blackhole.v6, "v6-blackhole"),
            path = os.path.join("/etc/bird/", f"{path}.conf")
            with open(f"{path}.tmp", "w") as f:
                for r in rules:
            changes = (
                changes or not os.path.exists(path) or not samefile(path, f"{path}.tmp")
            os.rename(f"{path}.tmp", path)

        if not changes:

        proc = subprocess.Popen(
            ["birdc", "configure"],
        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(None)
        stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8", "replace")
        stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8", "replace")
        if proc.returncode != 0:
                "{} error:\n{}\n{}".format(
                    "birdc reconfigure",
                        [" O: {}".format(line) for line in stdout.rstrip().split("\n")]
                        [" E: {}".format(line) for line in stderr.rstrip().split("\n")]

Until Akvorado integrates DDoS detection and mitigation, the ideas presented in this blog post provide a solid foundation to get started with your own anti-DDoS system. 🛡️

  1. ClickHouse can export results using Markdown format when appending FORMAT Markdown to the query. ↩︎

  2. While most DNS clients should retry with TCP on failures, this is not always the case: until recently, musl libc did not implement this. ↩︎

  3. The materialized view also aggregates the data at hand, both for efficiency and to ensure we work with the right data types. ↩︎