Vincent Bernat

VXLAN is an overlay network to encapsulate Ethernet traffic over an existing (highly available and scalable, possibly the Internet) IP network while accomodating a very large number of tenants. It is defined in RFC 7348. For an uncut introduction on its use with Linux, have a look at my “VXLAN & Linux” post.

VXLAN deployment
VXLAN deployment example with hypervisors acting as VTEPs

In the above example, we have hypervisors hosting a virtual machines from different tenants. Each virtual machine is given access to a tenant-specific virtual Ethernet segment. Users are expecting classic Ethernet segments: no MAC restrictions,1 total control over the IP addressing scheme they use and availability of multicast.

In a large VXLAN deployment, two aspects need attention:

  1. discovery of other endpoints (VTEPs) sharing the same VXLAN segments, and
  2. avoidance of BUM frames (broadcast, unknown unicast and multicast) as they have to be forwarded to all VTEPs.

A typical solution for the first point is using multicast. For the second point, this is source-address learning.

Introduction to BGP EVPN#

BGP EVPN (RFC 7432 and RFC 8365 for its application to VXLAN) is a standard control protocol to efficiently solves these two aspects without relying on multicast nor source-address learning.

BGP EVPN relies on BGP (RFC 4271) and its MP-BGP extensions (RFC 4760). BGP is the routing protocol powering the Internet. It is highly scalable and interoperable. It is also extensible and one of its extension is MP-BGP. This extension can carry reachability information (NLRI) for multiple protocols (IPv4, IPv6, L3VPN and in our case EVPN). EVPN is a special family to advertise MAC addresses and the remote devices they are attached to.

There are two kinds of reachability information a VTEP sends through BGP EVPN:

  1. the VNIs they have interest in (type 3 routes), and
  2. for each VNI, the local MAC addresses (type 2 routes).

The protocol also covers other aspects of virtual Ethernet segments (L3 reachability information from ARP/ND caches, MAC mobility and multi-homing2) but we won’t describe them here.

To deploy BGP EVPN, a typical solution is to use several route reflectors (both for redundancy and scalability), like in the picture below. Each VTEP opens a BGP session to at least two route reflectors, sends its information (MACs and VNIs) and receives others’. This reduces the number of BGP sessions to configure.

VXLAN deployment with route reflectors
VXLAN deployment example with hypervisors using BGP EVPN with route reflectors

Compared to other solutions to deploy VXLAN, BGP EVPN has three main advantages:

  • interoperability with other vendors (notably Juniper and Cisco);
  • proven scalability (a typical BGP routers handle several millions of routes); and
  • possibility to enforce fine-grained policies.

On Linux, FRR is a fairly complete implementation of BGP EVPN (type 3 routes for VTEP discovery, type 2 routes with MAC or IP addresses, MAC mobility when a host changes from one VTEP to another one) which requires very little configuration. This is a fork of Quagga and is used in Cumulus Linux, a network operating system based on Debian powering switches from various brands.3

Update (2020-11)

Initially, this article was about Cumulus Quagga. EVPN support was added in FRR 4.0. On Cumulus Linux, FRR has replaced Cumulus Quagga since version 3.4.0. I have updated this article to replace mentions of Cumulus Quagga by FRR to avoid confusion.

Route reflector setup#

Before configuring each VTEP, we need to configure two or more route reflectors. There are many solutions. I will present three of them:

  • using FRR;
  • using GoBGP, an implementation of BGP in Go; and
  • using Juniper Junos.

For reliability purpose, it’s possible (and easy) to use one implementation for some route reflectors and another implementation for the other ones.

The proposed configurations are quite minimal. However, it is possible to centralize policies on the route reflectors (e.g. routes tagged with some community can only be readvertised to some group of VTEPs).

Using FRR#

The configuration is pretty simple. We suppose the configured route reflector has configured as a loopback IP.

router bgp 65000
  bgp router-id
  bgp cluster-id
  bgp log-neighbor-changes
  no bgp default ipv4-unicast
  neighbor fabric peer-group
  neighbor fabric remote-as 65000
  neighbor fabric capability extended-nexthop
  neighbor fabric update-source
  bgp listen range peer-group fabric
  address-family l2vpn evpn
   neighbor fabric activate
   neighbor fabric route-reflector-client

A peer group fabric is defined and we leverage the dynamic neighbor feature of FRR: we don’t have to explicitily define each neighbor. Any client from and presenting itself as part of AS 65000 can connect. All sent EVPN routes will be accepted and reflected to the other clients.

You don’t need to run Zebra, the route engine talking with the kernel. Instead, start bgpd with the --no_kernel flag.

Update (2018-04)

If you need to support several implementations of BGP EVPN, it is safer to not use FRR as a route reflector: it may mangle the received routes.

Using GoBGP#

GoBGP is a clean implementation of BGP in Go.4 It exposes an RPC API for configuration (but accepts a configuration file and comes with a command-line client). Here is a configuration similar to the FRR one:

    as: 65000
  - config:
      peer-group-name: rr-client
      peer-as: 65000
      - config:
          afi-safi-name: l2vpn-evpn
        route-reflector-client: true
  - config:
      peer-group: rr-client

GoBGP won’t try to interact with the kernel which is fine as a route reflector.

Using Juniper Junos#

A variety of Juniper products can be a BGP route reflector, notably:

The main factor is the CPU and the memory. The QFX5100 is low on memory and won’t support large deployments without some additional policing.

Here is a configuration similar to the FRR one:

interfaces {
    lo0 {
        unit 0 {
            family inet {

protocols {
    bgp {
        group fabric {
            family evpn {
                signaling {
                    /* Do not try to install EVPN routes */
            type internal;

routing-options {
    autonomous-system 65000;

VTEP setup#

The next step is to configure each VTEP/hypervisor. Each VXLAN is locally configured using a bridge for local virtual interfaces, like illustrated in the below schema. The bridge is taking care of the local MAC addresses (notably, using source-address learning) and the VXLAN interface takes care of the remote MAC addresses (received with BGP EVPN).

Bridged VXLAN device
VXLAN device attached to a Linux bridge

VXLANs can be provisioned with the following script. Source-address learning is disabled as we will rely solely on BGP EVPN to synchronize FDBs between the hypervisors.

for vni in 100 200; do
    # Create VXLAN interface
    ip link add vxlan${vni} type vxlan
        id ${vni} \
        dstport 4789 \
        local \
    # Create companion bridge
    brctl addbr br${vni}
    brctl addif br${vni} vxlan${vni}
    brctl stp br${vni} off
    ip link set up dev br${vni}
    ip link set up dev vxlan${vni}
# Attach each VM to the appropriate segment
brctl addif br100 vnet10
brctl addif br100 vnet11
brctl addif br200 vnet12

The configuration of FRR is similar to the one used for a route reflector, except we use the advertise-all-vni directive to publish all local VNIs.

router bgp 65000
  bgp router-id
  no bgp default ipv4-unicast
  neighbor fabric peer-group
  neighbor fabric remote-as 65000
  neighbor fabric capability extended-nexthop
  ! BGP sessions with route reflectors
  neighbor peer-group fabric
  neighbor peer-group fabric
  address-family l2vpn evpn
   neighbor fabric activate

If everything works as expected, the instances sharing the same VNI should be able to ping each other. If IPv6 is enabled on the VMs, the ping command shows if everything is in order:

$ ping -c10 -w1 -t1 ff02::1%eth0
PING ff02::1%eth0(ff02::1%eth0) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:8%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.016 ms
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:b%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.98 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:9%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.99 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:a%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.99 ms (DUP!)

--- ff02::1%eth0 ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, +3 duplicates, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.016/3.745/4.991/2.152 ms


Step by step, let’s check how everything comes together.

Getting VXLAN information from the kernel#

On each VTEP, FRR should be able to retrieve the information about configured VXLANs. This can be checked with vtysh:

# show interface vxlan100
Interface vxlan100 is up, line protocol is up
  Link ups:       1    last: 2017/04/29 20:01:33.43
  Link downs:     0    last: (never)
  PTM status: disabled
  vrf: Default-IP-Routing-Table
  index 11 metric 0 mtu 1500
  Type: Ethernet
  HWaddr: 62:42:7a:86:44:01
  inet6 fe80::6042:7aff:fe86:4401/64
  Interface Type Vxlan
  VxLAN Id 100
  Access VLAN Id 1
  Master (bridge) ifindex 9 ifp 0x56536e3f3470

The important points are:

  • the VNI is 100; and
  • the bridge device was correctly detected.

FRR should also be able to retrieve information about the local MAC addresses :

# show evpn mac vni 100
Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI: 2
MAC               Type   Intf/Remote VTEP      VLAN
50:54:33:00:00:0a local  eth1.100
50:54:33:00:00:0b local  eth2.100

BGP sessions#

Each VTEP has to establish a BGP session to the route reflectors. On the VTEP, this can be checked by running vtysh:

# show bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65000, local AS 65000, internal link
 Member of peer-group fabric for session parameters
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:00:45
  Neighbor capabilities:
    4 Byte AS: advertised and received
      L2VPN EVPN: RX advertised L2VPN EVPN
    Route refresh: advertised and received(new)
    Address family L2VPN EVPN: advertised and received
    Hostname Capability: advertised
    Graceful Restart Capabilty: advertised
 For address family: L2VPN EVPN
  fabric peer-group member
  Update group 1, subgroup 1
  Packet Queue length 0
  Community attribute sent to this neighbor(both)
  8 accepted prefixes

  Connections established 1; dropped 0
  Last reset never
Local host:, Local port: 37603
Foreign host:, Foreign port: 179

The output includes the following information:

  • the BGP state is Established;
  • the address family L2VPN EVPN is correctly advertised; and
  • 8 routes are received from this route reflector.

The state of the BGP sessions can also be checked from the route reflectors. With GoBGP, use the following command:

# gobgp neighbor
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65000, route-reflector-client
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = established, up for 00:04:30
  BGP OutQ = 0, Flops = 0
  Hold time is 9, keepalive interval is 3 seconds
  Configured hold time is 90, keepalive interval is 30 seconds
  Neighbor capabilities:
        l2vpn-evpn:     advertised and received
    route-refresh:      advertised and received
    graceful-restart:   received
    4-octet-as: advertised and received
    add-path:   received
    UnknownCapability(73):      received
    cisco-route-refresh:        received
  Route statistics:
    Advertised:             8
    Received:               5
    Accepted:               5

With Junos, use the below command:

> show bgp neighbor
Peer: AS 65000 Local: AS 65000
  Group: fabric                Routing-Instance: master
  Forwarding routing-instance: master
  Type: Internal    State: Established
  Last State: OpenConfirm   Last Event: RecvKeepAlive
  Last Error: None
  Options: <Preference LocalAddress Cluster AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh>
  Address families configured: evpn
  Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170
  NLRI evpn: NoInstallForwarding
  Number of flaps: 0
  Peer ID:     Local ID:     Active Holdtime: 9
  Keepalive Interval: 3          Group index: 0    Peer index: 2
  I/O Session Thread: bgpio-0 State: Enabled
  BFD: disabled, down
  NLRI for restart configured on peer: evpn
  NLRI advertised by peer: evpn
  NLRI for this session: evpn
  Peer supports Refresh capability (2)
  Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300
  Peer does not support Restarter functionality
  NLRI that restart is negotiated for: evpn
  NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: evpn
  NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: evpn
  Peer does not support LLGR Restarter or Receiver functionality
  Peer supports 4 byte AS extension (peer-as 65000)
  NLRI's for which peer can receive multiple paths: evpn
  Table bgp.evpn.0 Bit: 20000
    RIB State: BGP restart is complete
    RIB State: VPN restart is complete
    Send state: in sync
    Active prefixes:              5
    Received prefixes:            5
    Accepted prefixes:            5
    Suppressed due to damping:    0
    Advertised prefixes:          8
  Last traffic (seconds): Received 276  Sent 170  Checked 276
  Input messages:  Total 61     Updates 3       Refreshes 0     Octets 1470
  Output messages: Total 62     Updates 4       Refreshes 0     Octets 1775
  Output Queue[1]: 0            (bgp.evpn.0, evpn)

If a BGP session cannot be established, the logs of each BGP daemon should mention the cause.

Sent routes#

From each VTEP, FRR needs to send:

  • one type 3 route for each local VNI; and
  • one type 2 route for each local MAC address.

The best place to check the received routes is on one of the route reflectors. If you are using Junos, the following command will display the received routes from the provided VTEP:

> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp

bgp.evpn.0: 10 destinations, 10 routes (10 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
  Prefix                  Nexthop              MED     Lclpref    AS path
  2: MAC/IP
*                                 100        I
  2: MAC/IP
*                                 100        I
  3: IM
*                                 100        I
  3: IM
*                                 100        I

There is one type 3 route for VNI 100 and another one for VNI 200. There are also two type 2 routes for two MAC addresses on VNI 100. To get more information, you can add the keyword extensive. Here is a type 3 route advertising as a VTEP for VNI 100:8

> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp extensive

bgp.evpn.0: 11 destinations, 11 routes (11 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 3: IM (1 entry, 1 announced)
     Route Distinguisher:
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65000:268435556 encapsulation:vxlan(0x8)

Here is a type 2 route announcing the location of the 50:54:33:00:00:0a MAC address for VNI 100:

> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp extensive

bgp.evpn.0: 11 destinations, 11 routes (11 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 2: MAC/IP (1 entry, 1 announced)
     Route Distinguisher:
     Route Label: 100
     ESI: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65000:268435556 encapsulation:vxlan(0x8)

With FRR, you can get a similar output with vtysh:

# show bgp l2vpn evpn route
BGP table version is 0, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
EVPN type-2 prefix: [2]:[ESI]:[EthTag]:[MAClen]:[MAC]
EVPN type-3 prefix: [3]:[EthTag]:[IPlen]:[OrigIP]

   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher:
                             100      0 i
                             100      0 i
                             100      0 i
Route Distinguisher:
                             100      0 i

With GoBGP, use the following command:

# gobgp global rib -a evpn | grep rd:
    Network  Next Hop             AS_PATH              Age        Attrs
*>  [type:macadv][rd:][esi:single-homed][etag:0][mac:50:54:33:00:00:0a][ip:<nil>][labels:[100]]                               00:00:17   [{Origin: i} {LocalPref: 100} {Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435556]}]
*>  [type:macadv][rd:][esi:single-homed][etag:0][mac:50:54:33:00:00:0b][ip:<nil>][labels:[100]]                               00:00:17   [{Origin: i} {LocalPref: 100} {Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435556]}]
*>  [type:macadv][rd:][esi:single-homed][etag:0][mac:50:54:33:00:00:0a][ip:<nil>][labels:[200]]                               00:00:17   [{Origin: i} {LocalPref: 100} {Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435656]}]
*>  [type:multicast][rd:][etag:0][ip:]                               00:00:17   [{Origin: i} {LocalPref: 100} {Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435556]}]
*>  [type:multicast][rd:][etag:0][ip:]                               00:00:17   [{Origin: i} {LocalPref: 100} {Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435656]}]

Received routes#

Each VTEP should have received the type 2 and type 3 routes from its fellow VTEPs, through the route reflectors. You can check with the show bgp l2vpn evpn route command of vtysh.

Does FRR correctly understand the received routes? The type 3 routes are translated to an association between the remote VTEPs and the VNIs:

# show evpn vni
Number of VNIs: 2
VNI        VxLAN IF              VTEP IP         # MACs   # ARPs   Remote VTEPs
100        vxlan100         4        0
200        vxlan200         3        0

The type 2 routes are translated to an association between the remote MACs and the remote VTEPs:

# show evpn mac vni 100
Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI: 4
MAC               Type   Intf/Remote VTEP      VLAN
50:54:33:00:00:09 remote
50:54:33:00:00:0a local  eth1.100
50:54:33:00:00:0b local  eth2.100
50:54:33:00:00:0c remote

FDB configuration#

The last step is to ensure FRR has correctly provided the received information to the kernel. This can be checked with the bridge command:

# bridge fdb show dev vxlan100 | grep dst
00:00:00:00:00:00 dst self permanent
00:00:00:00:00:00 dst self permanent
50:54:33:00:00:0c dst self
50:54:33:00:00:09 dst self

All good! The first two lines are the translation of the type 3 routes (any BUM frame will be sent to both and and the two last ones are the translation of the type 2 routes.


One of the strength of BGP EVPN is the interoperability with other network vendors. To demonstrate it works as expected, we will configure a Juniper vMX 16.1R1.7 to act as a VTEP.

Update (2018-04)

You need to add the following patches for FRR unless you use version 6.0 or later: bgpd: add an option for RT auto-derivation to use RFC 8635 and bgpd: add basic support for ETI and ESI for BGP EVPN. You also need to enable the autort rfc8365-compatible flag in FRR.

First, we need to configure the physical bridge.9 This is similar to the use of ip link and brctl with Linux. We only configure one physical interface with two old-school VLANs paired with matching VNIs.

interfaces {
    ge-0/0/1 {
        unit 0 {
            family bridge {
                interface-mode trunk;
                vlan-id-list [ 100 200 ];
routing-instances {
    switch {
        instance-type virtual-switch;
        interface ge-0/0/1.0;
        bridge-domains {
            vlan100 {
                domain-type bridge;
                vlan-id 100;
                vxlan {
                    vni 100;
                    # Do not enable "ingress-node-replication"
            vlan200 {
                domain-type bridge;
                vlan-id 200;
                vxlan {
                    vni 200;
                    # Do not enable "ingress-node-replication"

Then, we configure BGP EVPN to advertise all known VNIs. The configuration is quite similar to the one we did with FRR:

protocols {
    bgp {
        group fabric {
            type internal;
            family evpn signaling;

routing-instances {
    switch {
        vtep-source-interface lo0.0;
        route-distinguisher; # ❶
        vrf-target {
        protocols {
            evpn {
                encapsulation vxlan;
                extended-vni-list all;
                multicast-mode ingress-replication;

routing-options {
    autonomous-system 65000;

The routes sent by this configuration are very similar to the routes sent by FRR. The main differences are:

  • on Junos, the route distinguisher is configured statically (in ❶); and
  • on Junos, the VNI is also encoded as an Ethernet tag ID.

Here is a type 3 route, as sent by Junos:

> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp extensive

bgp.evpn.0: 13 destinations, 13 routes (13 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 3: IM (1 entry, 1 announced)
     Route Distinguisher:
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65000:268435556 encapsulation:vxlan(0x8)
     PMSI: Flags 0x0: Label 6: Type INGRESS-REPLICATION

Here is a type 2 route:

> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp extensive

bgp.evpn.0: 13 destinations, 13 routes (13 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 2: MAC/IP (1 entry, 1 announced)
     Route Distinguisher:
     Route Label: 200
     ESI: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65000:268435656 encapsulation:vxlan(0x8)

We can check that the vMX is able to make sense of the routes it receives from its peers running FRR:

> show evpn database l2-domain-id 100
Instance: switch
VLAN  DomainId  MAC address        Active source                  Timestamp        IP address
     100        50:54:33:00:00:0c                    Apr 30 12:46:20
     100        50:54:33:00:00:0d                    Apr 30 12:32:42
     100        50:54:33:00:00:0e                    Apr 30 12:46:20
     100        50:54:33:00:00:0f  ge-0/0/1.0                     Apr 30 12:45:55

On the other end, if we look at one of the FRR-based VTEP, we can check the received routes are correctly understood:

# show evpn vni 100
VNI: 100
 VxLAN interface: vxlan100 ifIndex: 9 VTEP IP:
 Remote VTEPs for this VNI:
 Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI: 4
 Number of ARPs (IPv4 and IPv6, local and remote) known for this VNI: 0
# show evpn mac vni 100
Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI: 4
MAC               Type   Intf/Remote VTEP      VLAN
50:54:33:00:00:0c local  eth1.100
50:54:33:00:00:0d remote
50:54:33:00:00:0e remote
50:54:33:00:00:0f remote

Get in touch if you have some success with other vendors!

Update (2018-03)

BGP EVPN is also able to handle multihomed Ethernet segments: a link aggregate can span over several VTEPs. While this is supported by Juniper, FRR does not support such setup and ignores remote multihomed segments. For more details about a complete Juniper setup, have a look Alexander Grigorenko’s “EVPN-VXLAN lab” series as well as the whitepaper from Juniper.

Update (2020-11)

Initial support for multihoming has been added to FRR 7.5. I would advise waiting for a couple of releases for the feature set to be complete.

  1. For example, they may use bridges to connect containers together. ↩︎

  2. Such a feature can replace proprietary implementations of MC-LAG allowing several VTEPs to act as an endpoint for a single link aggregation group. This is not needed on our scenario where hypervisors act as VTEPs↩︎

  3. The development of Quagga is slow and “closed.” New features are often stalled. FRR is placed under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation, has a GitHub-centered development model and an election process. It already has several interesting enhancements (notably, BGP add-path, BGP unnumbered, MPLS and LDP). ↩︎

  4. I am unenthusiastic about projects whose the sole purpose is to rewrite something in Go. However, while being quite young, GoBGP is quite valuable on its own (good architecture, good performance). ↩︎

  5. The 48-port version is around US$10,000 with the BGP license. ↩︎

  6. An empty chassis with a dual routing engine (RE-S-1800X4-16G) is around US$30,000. ↩︎

  7. I don’t know how pricey the vRR is. For evaluation purposes, it can be downloaded for free if you are a customer. ↩︎

  8. The value 100 used in the route distinguishier ( is not the one used to encode the VNI. The VNI is encoded in the route target (65000:268435556), in the 24 least signifiant bits (268435556 & 0xffffff equals 100). As long as VNIs are unique, we don’t have to understand these details. ↩︎

  9. On MX, the use of a virtual switch is mandatory to declare VLANs. A QFX 10K doesn’t require this and a QFX 5K doesn’t support such a feature. ↩︎